I’m typing this at 0322hrs as I take some steaming hot tea. As I sit on a sack full of potatoes, I notice that the chill that was biting starts to fade away. The morning is as fresh as you can paint the picture. No chirruping of birds here as could be the case in the village. A few guys are roaming the streets. So, you think people sleep as you do? Not really. Opposite Kanu house, things are happening. Money is changing hands very fast as people go about their businesses. Some are running up, others down. At the extreme end of the street, just before the roundabout, a young lady's business is booming. I’ll call her Mary. There is an above-average sufuria on a coal jiko. In it some tea boiling. Beside it is a table. The table has KDFs, boiled eggs, some burns, mandazis, and a few more things. People flock the table to be served. These are mkoko guys among others, energizing themselves ready to hit the road with sacks of Irish potatoes, mangoes, oranges, bananas, etc. “...
I love telling as it is through writing. Most of my pieces come from ordinary life encounters - things that happen around us daily. Sometimes I play with words and, out of my imagination, create some fiction. I hope you enjoy reading it.